These Three Zodiac Signs Will Never Remember to Repay You

After a nice meal or bar visit, the bill arrives and everyone scrambles to split it. Occasionally 

a friend will use their credit card to pay for everything and say, “It’s fine, just Venmo me later.”  

Virgo and Capricorn will instantly grab their phones and send the money, while others will complete their 

dinner and drinks and Venmo later. The focus of a night out is usually the company and conversation, so funds may be handled later. 

 However, every friend group has someone that never Venmoes back. These zodiac signs need three reminder texts 

It seems they take forever to send you $15 or $150, regardless. 

 Some signs give money and an apology a few days later, but others can take weeks or months 

This habit causes tension and awkwardness in a friend group, but they do it every time they go out. 

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