Real Food: 10 Reasons

Healthy vitamins and minerals can be found in unprocessed animal and plant meals. One cup (149 grams) of red bell peppers, kiwi (180mg), or orange slices (165 grams) contains more than 100% of the vitamin C RDI. Choline, a brain-healthy vitamin, is abundant in eggs and liver. One Brazil nut supplies a day's selenium. Most whole foods contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

1. Loaded with important nutrients 

Sugary foods may increase the risk of obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease . Real foods usually have less added sugar than processed items. Fruit has sugar, but it also has water and fiber, making it healthier than soda and processed foods.

2. Low in sugar 

Real food contains heart-healthy antioxidants, magnesium, and lipids. A diet rich in nutritious, unprocessed foods may also lower inflammation, a key cause of heart disease.

3. Heart healthy 

The global population is expanding, increasing food demand. However, feeding billions can harm the ecosystem. The destruction of rainforests for agriculture, increased fuel consumption, pesticide use, greenhouse gasses, and landfill packaging contribute to this. By minimizing energy use and nonbiodegradable trash, sustainable agriculture based on genuine food may enhance global health.

4. Better for the environment 

Fiber improves digestion, metabolism, and satiety . Along with beans and legumes, avocados, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and blackberries are high in fiber. Fiber from whole meals keeps you satiated longer and provides nutrients from the fruit or vegetable.

5. High in fiber 

International Diabetes Federation: Over 450 million people have diabetes. That number will reach 700 million by 2045. Diabetes sufferers may benefit from a diet heavy in fiber vegetables and unprocessed animal foods. Diabetes and prediabetes patients underwent a paleolithic diet of fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts for 12 weeks. They dropped 26% in blood sugar.

6. Helps manage blood sugar 

Besides improving health, real food can nourish and protect your skin. Dark chocolate and avocados protect skin from UV damage. Eating more vegetables, fish, legumes, and olive oil may decrease wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and other age-related skin changes. Additionally, eating genuine food instead of processed foods in the West may help prevent or minimize acne.

7. Good for your skin 

Food intake greatly affects blood triglycerides. Sugar and processed carbs may raise triglycerides, so avoid them. Triglycerides can also be lowered by eating unprocessed foods like fatty fish, lean meats, veggies, and nuts.

8. Helps lower triglycerides 

Try new vegetables to spice up your diet. There are hundreds of real foods, including meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and seeds. Try different dishes often. Chayote squash, chia seeds, organ meats, kefir, and quinoa are distinctive.

9. Provides variety 

Real food costs more than manufactured food. An study of 27 studies from 10 countries indicated that healthy food costs $1.56 more per 2,000 calories than processed food . Compared to the cost of maintaining chronic conditions like diabetes and obesity, this difference is small. One study found that diabetics spend 2.3 times more on medical supplies and other healthcare than non-diabetics. Real food costs less over time since it helps you stay healthy, lowering medical costs.

10. Costs less in the long run 

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