Good vibrations! These are the luckiest dates in 2024 for your astrological sign.

This celestial fresh start will help bring focus, determination, and optimism to your resolutions, and the stars will provide additional assistance  

From favourable days like the annual Lion's Gate Portal on August 8th to unlucky ones like Friday the 13th, no two days have the same energy.  

That is why you should go further into your birth chart to discover which celestial occurrences in 2024 are most auspicious for your zodiac sign  

This year is going to be hectic for you, Aries, thanks to the eclipses that will test your relationships and force you to accept your independence.  

With so much soul change happening for you this year, March 19, 2024, also known as the Astrological New Year, will be your luckiest day of the year.  

While January 1 marks the start of a new year, March 19, also known as the Spring Solstice, signifies the start of your season and the cosmic year.   

If you feel the desire to start over in life or take a clean break from whatever is keeping you back, this date provides an opportunity to reintroduce yourself to the world.  

Taurus, your year is off to a good start. Jupiter's retrograde ended on December 30, 2023, and it has since brought benefits and abundance into your life  

Expect this energy to last for the first part of the year, with a peak on May 23, 2024, when Venus and Jupiter in Taurus align in the sky.   

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